Wednesday, February 11, 2015

11 Flowers Movie Review

Autobiographical sketch of a boy growing after the Cultural Revolution.

It is 1975. Revolution rumbled years by the Chinese culture. Wang Han is 11 and lives with his parents in a small town. Each week Han small bike goodbye father when he was a week to work as an actor in a big city, so he spends most of his time with his mother. When Wang Han-day training school can call her mother made for her nice white shirt. If this shirt to swim in the river then taken by a man who is accused of murder, is a drama for the whole child. Gradually he became involved with the author who led a lonely battle against the powerful role of plants in the village. This fight repression of the Red Army mercilessly exposed to explain.

11 Flores was shown earlier this year at the Rotterdam Film Festival. Director Wang Xiaoshuai is a veteran in the festival. His first film, Day (1994) in 1994, to see the festival, followed by Frozen (movie Tiger 1995) and Beijing Bicycle (2000). Previous film, Shanghai Dreams, since six years. With the support of the French who have received funding for his latest movie.

11 Title Flores does not only refer to Wang Han age. It also has the blood of 11 flowers adorn poetic meaning when a bullet hits the body. Finally, the interest is also present when the father of Wang Han teaches painting. Not playing casual art, particularly Impressionism important role in the film. It is active for some intellectual contested by the regime. Everything revolves around the factory and workers, knowledge and art have been damaged.

The film, according to the head of the school is very autobiographical. He spent his childhood in deer country, after his parents had to leave Shanghai. His father was also an actor and likes to paint. Only youth who are less bleak as seen in the film. He was not seen when the execution, which in the film. What are you worried, do very reminiscent of movies like The Blue Kite (1993) 11 Flores. Although there is some time between making the two films are, by Wang Xiaoshuai still difficult to obtain films with Chinese censorship.

11 Flowers Wang Xiaoshuai is a classic style movie with beautiful pictures of the village, the river and the surrounding forest. Stage hands have a good balance between personal history and political and social contexts wider. Also make young actor Wang Wang Han Young Jinchun are under strong.

Although interest 11 is a fairly conventional films provide personnel. The fact that the film is based on the personal experience of the director Wang Xiaoshuai, who wrote the script, the possibility to provide the right balance between personal history and socio-political context. This is the entire 110-minute movie will take you to after the Cultural Revolution.